Event Payment – Tournament | Club | League

Make a payment for your large group event here!  We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.

In order to make sure your payment is matched up with your event, please provide your permit or account number here. DO NOT PUT A # SIGN IN THE BOX. Case sensitive - enter permit number exactly as it appears on the agreement. EX: L-123
Please enter the date(s) of your event here as MM/DD/YYYY
Note: ALL food and beverage must be obtained from the concessionaire on the course where the tournament is being conducted. You are NOT permitted to bring ANY food or drink on the course premises (excluding Harvard Gulch). Bringing prohibited food and drinks onto the golf course can result in immediate discontinuation of the tournament, forfeiture of all fees paid and loss of future tournament privileges. Permittee is liable for all acts and omissions of Permittee, Permittee’s representatives and agents, and Tournament or League Play participants that result in injury, damage, loss or death. The Permittee is financially responsible to the City for recovery, repair, or replacement of any/all damage to and/or theft of City property occurring in or about the Golf Course, the Park or other City-owned property used by the Permittee and caused by or resulting from the negligence or willful acts of Permittee, Permittee’s representatives or agents, or participants.
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